IT companies in Nepal and high class performance

There are hundreds of professional web designers and web design companies in Nepal. Even in Kathmandu, there are hundreds of IT companies who provide web designing services. Nepal has been a budding ground for several talented web designers who cater to global companies and projects. There are also web design companies from various parts of the world that outsource projects to Nepal. Many Nepali web design and development companies and freelancers also get their work from crowdsource based marketplace such as oDesk and Freelancer. Several IT and software companies in Nepal provide web development and web design services as well. This blog attempts to list those web designers in Nepal, including freelance web designers. I have tried to restrict the list to the companies and freelancers that specialize or provide visual / UI / UX / design aspects of the web rather than software / applications or other IT services only. Feel free to contact to add if not listed here.